Aman Bhardwaj
3 min readJun 24, 2021


👉Created a CGI-based web app that can serve all the functionalities of docker running on Linux OS.

Create a Web Application for Docker (one of the great Containerization Tool which provides the user Platform as a Service (PaaS)) by showing your own creativity and UI/UX designing skills to make the web portal user friendly.

Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container. Command: ‘docker pull centos:8’ if you want to pull any specific version of os.

After pulling the centos image we have to create a container using the centos image so that we can access/run the os.. Command : ‘docker run –it –name myos1 centos:8 ‘

To install the httpd sotware we can use yum command. yum install httpd

Put the web page inside /var/www/html directory

By default httpd software reads the HTML file from /var/www/html directory. So we have to put the HTML file inside the /var/www/html directory.

write code in CGI-bin. note that we have to save our code in /var/www/cgi-bin directory, after save make this file executable with the command: chmod 755 <file-name>.py

